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Michael Ell Consulting
Engineers Pty Ltd
Structural . Stormwater . Civil Engineers


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The office is fully equipped and self sufficient in the areas of CAD, accounting and word processing. The main software used for drafting is AutoCAD R14 and IntellCAD. Other software has been customised to intergrate with these. Engineering software is varied with each professional having on his computer the full range required for structural, civil, and hydraulic work. All staff have in operation on their desk a Pentium personal computer and complete access to other computers in the office through the use of Mircosoft NT. We regularly communicate with our consultants via the Internet with a Dynalink 56.6 Kbps modem. All computer in the office can access the Internet at the same time.

We send staff to courses when they are available to glean the latest ideas and to understand any changes to Australian Standards and cost effective design. Also we have a comprehensive library in the office with current publications such as CADENCE, Personal Computer etc arriving regularly and any other journal which may be relevant being added.